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Pharmacy First enables community pharmacists to supply prescription-only medicines, including antibiotics and antivirals where clinically appropriate, to treat seven common health conditions without the need to visit a GP.
Who to see: Community Pharmacist.
Suitable for patients aged 1 to 17 years.
Outside of these ages, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
A pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
Who to see: Community Pharmacist.
Suitable for patients aged 1 year and over
Outside of these ages, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
A pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
Who to see: Community Pharmacist.
Suitable for patients aged 1 year and over.
Outside of these ages, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
A pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
Who to see: Community Pharmacist.
Suitable for patients aged 18 years and over.
Outside of these ages, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
A pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
Who to see: Community Pharmacist.
Suitable for patients aged 12 years and over.
Outside of these ages, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
A pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
Who to see: Community Pharmacist.
Suitable for patients aged 5 years and over.
Outside of these ages, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
A pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
Who to see: Community Pharmacist.
Suitable for women aged 16 to 64 years.
Outside of these ages, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.
A pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
If you would like to request an appointment you can complete an online consultation via PATCHs. You will need to register by providing and email address and choosing a password. Then complete a short form so that your GP can better understand and address your health needs.
Alternatively you can still telephone or visit the practice. The reception desk is open Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:30.
Our phone lines tend to be very busy first thing in the morning so it would be helpful if you could telephone for routine appointments after 10:00.
Cancelling your appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, as this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters may be removed from the list.
Appointments are now available outside standard GP Practice opening hours and three HUB sites across Hillingdon. Please call the practice to make an appointment.
When are these appointments available?
The additional appointments will be available at one of the hubs at the following times:
Monday – Friday: 18:30 – 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00
Hub Site Information
Eastcote Health Centre Hub, Abbotsbury Gardens Pinner Middlesex HA5 1TG
Weekdays 18:30 to 20:00
Saturdays 09:00 – 17:00
Clover HUB at HESA Primary Care Centre, 52 Station Road, Hayes UB3 4DD
Weekdays 18:30 to 20:00
Saturdays 09:00 – 17:00
Uxbridge Health Centre Hub George Street Uxbridge Middlesex
Weekdays 18:30 to 20:00
Saturdays 08:00 -17:00
Home Visits
These are for patients who are too ill to come to the surgery. If you need a home visit please phone 020 8866 0075between 08:45 and 11:00.
We would request that, apart from the genuinely housebound, all other patients attend the surgery rather than request a home visit because of the extra time home visiting takes. On average four to five patients can be seen in surgery in the time it takes to do a single house call.
In addition, the care that can be offered in your own home is not as good as in the surgery because of the lack of examination facilities and equipment means that you may not receive as good a service as the doctor may be able to offer if you came to the surgery.